Body Piercing Jewelry – Fashion From Ancient to Modern Age

There has been a special craze for jewelry in every age irrespective of gender, religion, age, culture and fashion. No matter how much traditional or modern a person is, choice of jewelry makes him or her create his own fashion statement.

There is no doubt that jewelry has fascinated every women and it is something that women can associate themselves completely. Today, the fashion conscious folks have developed a sharp inclination towards body jewelry. And the fact cannot be ignored that men are equally going crazy with the jewelry fashion as the women are. Body jewelry in particular is drawing significant attention of the youngsters and exotic jewelry has the ability to make heads turn around.

Body jewelry is worn as a latest trend and is quite popular among the youngsters. However, its origin and use can be traced back in the ancient time. According to the Bible, body piercing jewelry was popular some 2000 years ago. Earlier, body jewelry was considered to be a symbol of class and standard and in some places, a symbol of religious practice.

There are various reasons associated with wearing body jewelry depending on religion, culture and castes. In medieval age the jewelry was used to boast the status of the person who wore it. Interestingly, before some decades, they represented a rebellious hip culture and the hip youth. Today, in the modern era, body jewelry is a way of enhancing beauty and hence, is a popular fashion. There are many types of jewelry having origin from the ancient rituals and are still popular.

Nose piercing jewelry:

Wearing nose ring can be recorded as the first type of body piercing jewelry. It is a prevailing trend of fashion and tradition in countries like India and Middle East. Till date, it is popular among the young folks. Whereas, many popular pop-stars have been found piercing their nostrils to wear nose rings.

Ear piercing Jewelry:

It is the most common form of jewelry and famous among people of every religion and it is popular amongst both men and women from day immemorial. Though ear rings are used for decorative as well as cultural reasons, today, they have been alienated from their symbolic root and are being treated as any other piece of decorative item.

Tongue piercing jewelry:

Wearing tongue piercing jewelry was a ritual among tribal people of some specific geographic region. However, today they are common among sophisticated young generation. Interestingly, there are some celebrities who are making tongue piercing jewelry as their fashion statement.

Eyebrow piercing jewelry:

Though this kind of jewelry is famous since long, today they adorn the fashionable youths making them boast their chic outlook.

Other piercing jewelry:

Popularly know as belly piercing jewelry, naval piercing jewelry is popular among women. As naval is one among the seductive part of the body, the jewelry is meant, specifically, to raise an erotic feeling. Nipple piercing jewelry is current trends of jewelry fashion though in ancient times it was being used for enhancement of sexual stimulation.

Apart from the body piercing jewelry, there is non-piercing jewelry available these days. The looks of any non-piercing jewelry is similar to that of any piercing jewelry but the difference is, a person does not need to make a hole on his or her body to wear it. Basically, the jewelry is designed to stick to the body with a clip or, sometimes, with a special kind of magnet. Most people can not bear the pain of piercing through their body. And, there are even cases of allergies and infection after getting pierced to wear jewelry. Hence, the non-piercing jewelry is a perfect alternative. After all, fashion is for everyone.

Some studies explore that piercing body parts is totally safe and convenient way to adorn body with jewelry. Some people take consent of a doctor before choosing some extra-ordinary fashion in piercing body. However, if you are getting it done from an experienced body piercing professional, you are in the safe zone. So, it is time you can zoom in to your kind of fashion with exiting jewelry.

Mildred K. Pearson

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