Top 20 Animated Cartoons of All Time – What Made Them So Good?

If you were to ask many people what their favorite productions were no doubt each would have their own individual lists. You would be surprised at the number of animated ones that would be included. So if who ever said that cartoons are for kids? They are something that touches the hearts of the young and old for either gender.

So why is there such a big interest in animation? What is there about them that make them so popular? These are important questions to the producers of animation because knowing the right answers to it is what makes it a box office hit.

In the Top Five:
It should not come to any surprise that the 3 Shrek movies each held a spot with Shrek 2 (3D) was the ultimate. Then Finding nemo came in as 2nd and the Lion King 3rd. Much of the reason for the fame of these top five is due to the excellent story they each told. In addition to the major stars that were casted for it.

In the Top Ten:
The top 5 is followed with the Incredibles, Monsters Inc. Toy Story 2, Cars and Aladdin. These 5 all had one thing in common is that they were all done in 3D. By the look of the list it would appear that, the 3D animation is favored and lends to the overall success.

In The Top Fifteen.
Here you will find Ratatouille, Happy Feet, Ice Age: Meltdown, Madagascar and of course Toy Story. One again all 3D and each possess a great storyline.

The Rest of the Top Twenty:
Finally we have the Simpsons Movie, The Polar Express, Ice Age, Beauty and the Beast, and at the bottom on the list but no less significant is Tarzan. Although The Simpsons movie was a 2D,but its claim to fame came because of the well known and liked television series.

Of all the factors that make a cartoon successful probably the most important is the storyline. This is followed by the jokes. People have enough negativity in their life and they want to laugh a little. Then the cast has a special part in boosting a cartoon up in the ranks as well. Its them that makes it compelling and interesting. The characters must be unique and memorable as this is what the audience relates to. This is what makes the proper casting for voice over so important. Then when all of these factors become combined with the 3D technology, it is bound to be a hit. Any cartoon that can sit amongst the ranks of the top 20 has certainly earned its way getting there by combining all of the necessities we have pointed out here in the right combination.

Overall, when it comes down to the best critics, it is the kids. You can bet if the kids like it and the parents second, then there a new cartoon on the road to fame. It comes back again to our claim that age plays no real factor in the audience of a successful cartoon.

Mildred K. Pearson

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