Native American Astrology – The Elk Totem

The Elk

If you were born between November 22nd and December 21st, you were born under the sign of the elk. This article will describe what is likely to be your personality and character traits and offer ways in which the elk totem can help you as a spirit companion.

Spiritual Growth

The elk spirit companion can help you hit your stride and give you the strength and stamina to stay with a project until it reaches the peak of its success. It can help you work well in groups and give strength to your partnerships.

Some people with an elk totem do better with a vegetarian diet, finding that it gives them more energy, less stress and increased stamina. If you decide not to switch to a completely vegetarian diet, consider increasing your vegetable intake whenever you feel sluggish or rundown.

Elk Totem Character Traits

“Individuals born under the sign of the elk have a naturally positive outlook on life and are enterprising and full of energy and vitality. People born under this sign are idealists, and this trait seems to keep them going when they face disappointments. They are believers, and they are willing to fight for their beliefs. They are both loyal and independent, and they manage to balance both traits. They are often intuitive, and are always on the lookout for new experiences.” -Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Because they are so independent, elk people may find it hard to sustain close personal relationships. They want to have a comfortable and familiar, solid home base to come back to after traveling. Though they are ardent and deeply sincere in their relationships, they sometimes choose to sacrifice intimacy and commitment to their need for freedom.

People born under the elk sign can be very charming and fascinating people, and they have a great sense of humor. Because of this, people may forgive them more than they would otherwise.

Have you noticed that in your own life?

Because of their quick tempers, people born under this sign sometimes speak without thinking. Their anger or rage may be like a summer storm, passing as quickly as it came, but the hurtful things they said while it happened may not be forgotten so easily or quickly. They can be hypercritical, and often point out the inadequacies they see in others.

As parents, this tendency to say nasty and hurtful things can be harmful over time and is a weakness they need to be aware of so that it doesn’t.


Elk people are both excellent students and excellent teachers. Sometimes it is when they begin to teach others that they finally settle down in their lives. So any career that involves teaching would be great for them.They love to discover new things, so scientific careers would suit them as well.

Mildred K. Pearson

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