Music – A Relaxing Remedy

Putting your hand under the face, feeling down and depressed, are you pondering over the easy ways to escape from the gloom? Then click to the music of your choice, and be not reluctant to tap and swing with its beats. Shortly a stress-free and tranquil feeling will supersede the exhausted state of mind. Studies disclose, an individual torn and tattered by a loss or heartbreak needs to divert the attention. Brooding over the painful event will only multiply the frustration. We are not always fortunate enough to find the company of healing hands and words. Therefore, music is an easy and speedy way to forget or at least diminish distress. It can work as a dynamic catharsis therapy, consoling the dejected and discouraging any negative functionality towards the people around, which will only add isolation and alienation for the person. This technique can avert the mind from feeling of fatigue and heighten positive mood states. A study reported that sad music brought up a wide range of complex and partially positive emotions such as nostalgia, peacefulness, and tenderness. Whereas on the other hand happy songs that lift your spirit make you see the world differently than that of a sad person.

Music knows no boundaries or geographic divisions. Every one in every corner of world relishes from it, as a universal language. Music enters the life of an individual when a lullaby, regardless of its meaning, drifts the infant to the serene realms of sleep. Gradually it takes the form of nursery rhymes and children enjoy swirling and swaying with the rhythm of words. Poetry is firstly enjoyed for its music and then for its theme. No festivity is considered complete without it throughout the world.

It is interesting to know that music is found to alter heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration. There are few activities in life that utilizes the entire brain, and music is one of them. A research team recorded a group of individuals who were listening to music. They found that listening to music employs the auditory areas and large-scale neural networks in the brain. In fact, they believe music can activate emotional, motor, and creative areas of brain. Listening to music while exercising can improve work out performance. It is proven that long lasting preferences are due to an emotional attachment to a memory associated with the song. After discussing music as an escape, we may very well state that it soothes the mind and heals the heart.

Mildred K. Pearson

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Body Jewelry Shop to Decorate Your Body With Ornaments

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