How Animation Plays a Crucial Role in Improving UX

It is a well-acknowledged fact that humans are visual creatures. We are often responsive to what we see. This is the reason why companies make use of attractive visual signs to leave an impact on customers. For many years, animation has been used to delight and fascinate users. The role of animation is not confined to its eye-catching ability; rather, it can lead to successful interaction and also improve the meaning of a user interface. Apart from adding to the cool quotient of your product, animation also plays a significant role in retaining the attention of users.

Here are some ways in which animation plays a crucial role in improving UX:

1. Loading Sequences Keep Users Hooked

Using animation even before the screen starts to load can help in retaining the attention of users. Even a slight increase in the loading time can lead to loss of conversions. Animation plays a vital role in hiding the load time by keeping users visually occupied. An interactive design, in fact, can make websites and apps more interactive, especially when they are loading. For instance, when the loading bar progresses from the left or the page slides slightly from the right, these tricks can help in keeping users hooked.

2. Animation Controls Users’ Focus

Animation plays a vital role in controlling users’ focus. When animation happens in the wrong place, it can distract users. For instance, the ‘Back to Top’ button allows users to go back to the menu even after they scroll down the page. This can turn out to be a complete distraction. This button, in fact, can be used more intelligently. It can be placed on the right side of the screen as users often spend more time on the left. Instead of changing its position, the button can be designed in such a way that it fades away slowly. This way it will grab lesser attention of the visitors to the site and make them concentrate on the content before going back to the menu.

3. Prevents Users from Getting Lost

When web pages change instantly, users tend to lose the context. Animation can be used to make such transitions more obvious and smoother. This is also a great way to make the navigation of a site more intuitive. After all, visitors definitely don’t want to be left guessing about whether changes have been made to the interface.

4. Provides Information

When animations are controlled, they can serve as hints to visitors. Animations, when used in the right way, can turn out to be an excellent source of information. From showing an error to turning on the green notification, animation can turn out to be perfect source to provide information to users.

Animation is not about showing off the expertise of designers; rather it can be utilized smartly to make web transitions smoother and simpler.

Mildred K. Pearson

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