Animated Images in Commercials Are a Turn Off

While some may be amused by them the sight of animated animals promoting things like insurance or other resources is a real turn off. A case in point is an ad which features meerkats siting around a table eating, drinking coffee, and talking about finances. The effect is way over the top. This gorgeous species should not be exploited for commercial benefits. What kind of sick mind sees them as representative of consumers of such things?

Having once worked in the advertising business where animation was employed to show the effect of fly spray was educational about how difficult it is to do. It involves a series of photos of images that are moved a fraction at a time. It can involve hundreds of such movements for just a one-minute ad.

It might have been clever when first done but now the advertising industry seems so hooked on it that watching television and seeing these clips is very off-putting. One wonders why it is so attractive to do it in the first place? Surely it is not a money-saving exercise and what is wrong with using humans to advertise such products?

Such animations are used to show animals playing sports, sun baking on beaches, winning championship races, and talking down to humans as if their intelligence level is above them. If this is what the executive producers of such imagine as a selling point for products, then something is terribly wrong.

My mind is one that enjoys reality, as do so many of my friends. As a spiritual person I find fiction and make-believe are areas against my psyche. If someone wants to sell something to me then they need to present it as a human person who knows what my brain needs to hear in order to be convinced. Otherwise they are wasting their time. This is probably how most genuine purchasers would see it as well.

Mildred K. Pearson

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Tue Jun 25 , 2024
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Back to School – Students and Gamers Count On Mobile Edge to Protect and Organize Their Tech

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