Following the success of Disney’s 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Japanese domestic anime market faced severe pressure from foreign filmmakers. Early pioneers such as Yasuji Murata and Noburo Ofuji, whilst masters of cut out animation, found it difficult to compete against the quality of foreign imported […]

Kids world over have enjoyed and still enjoy animated cartoons and movies. Animation gives films a special something which really attracts children. Here is a look at the best animated kid’s movies of 2009 and 2010. Beginning with 2009, a number of animated kid’s movies were released and most of […]

The world of animation has many different niches that can be covered. You will find that for people who are interested in animation Japanese style animation is taking off quite nicely. The influence of this style of animating can be seen in a number of different forms and countries. While […]