A celebrity inspired trend leads to a tongue piercing crazy! People between the ages of 16-24 continue to grow and develop this fad, so now an estimate of 50% of women alone, are having more than just their earlobes pierced! These celebrity role models include Pink, Mel B and Janet […]

Several people have accessed my web site over the last few years as a result of doing web searches on painting in gouache (pronounced “gwosh”, or “goo-wash”), probably lead there by the numerous gouache paintings listed on the site. There is some conflicting information published on this topic. Consequently, this […]

Jean-Pierre Blanchard (1753-1809) was a French pioneer in aviation and ballooning. On the Victorian Picture Library website you can see a fascinating illustration showing the hydrogen gas balloon (or ‘aerostatic globe filled with inflammable air’) in which he made his first successful balloon flight from the Champ de Mars, Paris […]

A a solid majority of the training material we produce in the corporate world is based on some sort of regulation or technical specification and must be very straight forward and matter of fact due to the subject matter, but not everything needs to be quite as staid. Many times […]