Lip Piercings 101


Named after the musical icon, the Madonna piercing is placed on the right side of the face just above the upper lip. The exact location of Madonna’s own mole.


There’s no more iconic beauty mark than Marilyn Monroe’s. The Monroe piercing is in homage to that. It is placed on the left side of the face just above the top lip, exactly where Marilyn’s beauty mark was.


While considered a lip piercing, with a labret the lip isn’t technically pierced. The labret is right below the bottom lip above the chin.


The medusa piercing is placed in that little dip on the top of your lip below the nose. Placement is important here, as you don’t want to throw off the symmetry of your face. So find a good piercer.

Vertical Labret

A vertical labret has two holes. One is in the same place as a regular labret, with the second hole coming out of the middle of the bottom lip.


Jestrum piercings, also known as vertical medusas, are placed in the dip above the upper lip with the other end coming out the underside of the upper lip.

Spider Bites

Spider bite piercings are a pair of piercings close together. They are placed either on the top or bottom lip. Getting two piercings so close together at the same time can be painful, so you’ve been warned.

Angel Bites

Angel bite piercings are two evenly separated piercings on the upper lip. Think of them as a combination of Monroe and Madonna piercings. Snake bite piercings are the opposite of this.

Cyber Bites

Cyber bite piercings are a combination of medusa and labret. One hole is placed in the center just above the top lip with the other hole in the center just below the bottom lip.

Dolphin Bites

Dolphin bite piercings are two piercings centered on the lower lip close together. They are similar to snake bite piercings only closer in distance.

Dahlia Bites

Dahlia piercings are done at the corner of the mouth. You can get them done in pairs or only one done. They can be rings but studs are more popular.

Canine Bites

Canine bites are a combination of angel bites and snake bite piercings. Two piercings are placed above the upper lip with a distance between them, with two more placed even spaced below the bottom lip. This makes a total of four piercings.

Snake Bites

Snake bites consist of two piercings evenly spaced on the lower lip. This piercing can be done with either rings or stud.

Shark Bites

Shark bites are two close together piercings on either side of the bottom lip. This is four piercings total. It is essentially double spider bites.

Horizontal Lip

Horizontal lip piercings involve putting a horizontal barbell through the center of the bottom lip.


The Ashley piercing is one of the most popular piercings. It is a single piercing placed in the center of the bottom lip. It is still a fairly new piercing so be sure to get it done by a professional.

Mildred K. Pearson

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