Five Methods of Acrylic Painting Techniques For Painting Landscapes

Painting landscapes is very relaxing and rewarding for artists. Artists can capture nature’s beauty and reproduce it on canvas with a variety of painting tools and techniques. The added health benefits of being in the outdoors and the ability to capture natures landscape with the wet-on-wet method are two other pleasantries for landscape artists.

How you use your painting tools is critical to creating beautiful landscape art. You may use brushes, palette knives, trowels, fingers and paper towels.

Five methods of Acrylic Painting Techniques For Painting Landscapes:

1. Acrylic painting requires observing, playing, and practicing with the paint. The advantages of acrylic painting are being able to work it as watercolor, as an acrylic or as an oil paint.

2. Do you like the appearance of watercolor paintings and enjoy creating watercolor landscape scenes? If so, add more water to the acrylic paint. Apply to textured paper designed for water coloring. Have a sheet of a paper towel handy to wipe and stop bleeds as needed.

3. Use ready mixed colors prepared by the manufacturing company and apply to paper designed for acrylics. These paints are packaged in tubes, small individual plastic containers, and bottles.

4. You may wish to thin your color selection with a bit of water to mark the areas with a thin color coating. Then use the prepared paint as is to coat over your first layer. This method will hide any white paper peeking in the background. It also aids to confirm color choice.

5. To create oil painting textures layer your coatings to desired thickness. As the layers build it will create the texture and lifelike dimensional quality as seen in oil paintings.

You may or may not wish to sketch before starting to paint. I have done it both ways. Sketching ahead will allow you to make corrections and see the final product in its penciled form.

Painting without sketching is freedom to be challenged by errors and happy accidents. You will be placed into the unknown. Your colored creation will take many twists and turns as your landscape painting is born on canvas.

Acrylic painting techniques for painting landscapes is an adventure unto itself. Using different techniques will produce various results. How you handle the painting tools and your brush stroke style will create many variables.

Start today to learn methods of acrylic painting techniques for painting landscapes. Visit the hobby page of Tricia Deed at and review Portrait Painting with Acrylic & Oil Paint.

Mildred K. Pearson

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