A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Fabian Schmidt. Model Viola Beck is signed at Her Management. Styling by Stina Nies. Setdesign by Deborah Dixkens. Hair & make up by Anastasia Misko. Brands used are miu miu, Moschino, N°21, NÜMPH, Karo Kauer, billi bi, Sleeper, Joana Christina, Tory Burch, FARM Rio, JOSH V, VERA WANG, MARC CAIN, KONPLOTT, Ralph Lauren, GUCCI, GUCCI x ADIDAS, MSGM, and Anna Rottner.
“How do you feel about Christmas?
My name is Fabian and I don’t like it.
I created this project in collaboration with stylist Stina Nies and set designer Deborah Dixkens who both love Christmas. For this series, I wanted to express my feelings towards the holiday. In my family, it is a get-together of grumpiness. And a lot of you can probably relate when I say I have to explain myself at the dinner table. “What is this stuff you are wearing? What do you do exactly? Do you make money? Look at your cousin, he has a real job! Why did you drop your studies? Your leather jacket looks gay and why do you wear pearls anyways?” Being in the company but feeling alone. I love these people but hate their narrow horizons and the comments sometimes. Let me be.”
Photography by Fabian Schmidt / www.fabianschmidt.com / Instagram: @fabivn
Model Viola Beck is signed at Her Management / Instagram: @violabeck_ @her.management
Styling by Stina Nies / www.stinanies.de / Instagram: @stina.nies
Set design by Deborah Dixkens / www.dixkens.de / Instagram: @dixkens.deborah
Hair & make up by Anastasia Misko / Instagram: @ohinastia
Brand’s Instagram:
@miumiu, @moschino, @numeroventuno, @numph_official, @karokauerlabel, @billibicph, @daily_sleeper, @joanachristina, @toryburch, @farmrio, @joshvhq, @verawang, @marccain, @konplott, @ralphlauren, @gucci, @msgm, @annierotron