Announced in the diary Science, specialists drove by Dr. Roberto Orosei from the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in Rome say they have discovered an immense store of water underneath the south shaft of Mars. So immense, truth be told, that it seems to be like a subglacial lake on […]
A few months after the death of Richelieu, Louis Xlll died, leaving his five-year-old son Louis XIV to reign for seventy-two years, first under the restraint of Mazarin, and later as absolute monarch. With his succession and under the unbroken influence of his long reign all the arts flourished to […]
Have you laughed you daily dose of laughter today? One big LOL can turn a stressful and lousy day into perfect merry day. If you haven’t laughed by 9:00 a.m. on any given day, then your day is off to a poor start. Everyone is familiar with the old cliché […]
People have been laughing at me all my life. Only NOW it’s a GOOD thing. I believe that EVERY person is hysterically funny-they just haven’t realized it yet. The S.H.I.N.E. System of Communication taps into this innate humor that we all have. And then cultivate, shape, and promote it as […]
This English language term is often attributed to unnamed Native Americans of many tribes. The meaning in English may be different from the meaning in native languages. Probably, “Many” meant “more than could reasonably be expected.” Probably, “Smokes” meant campfires, although I have read that one or more of the […]
We typically think of a catapult as something that was used in the Middle Ages to destroy the walls of a castle. But catapults have a very long history dating long before the time of castles and they were developed and designed in many different ways by many different cultures […]