Art With Mr. E: Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: MAKE TIME

As artists, we are often known for what we do/create/make. It is not just what we do, but it also is a major component of who we are.  If we are not making, if we are not creating, if we are not sketching, planning, or researching…then we are neglecting a major part of ourselves.  I will be the first to admit, as an art educator…I often neglect this aspect of my life.  I justify it because I teach art all day long.  The only thing about that…there is a difference.  Challenging, nurturing, organizing, and instructing is not the same as taking time out of my day to create my own art.  Art is like a language for the artist.  We process, interpret, and share our dreams, ideas, views of the world (both physically & socially), and beliefs as we create.  If we do not take time/make time for own personal art making, we deny ourselves of living the life we were created to live.   We must take time/make time to be who we are!

After he dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone..  Matthew 14:23

As believers, we must take time/make time to be with God.  Some people believe they can just go to church on Sunday & that is enough.  God has called us into a personal relationship, and relationships take time & effort to cultivate.  An hour or so a week will not allow us the time to truly know our God & grow in our faith as he intended us to do.  We must take time/make time in our too busy lives to spend with God.  Many believers have “quiet times” in the morning before their day gets busy.  That quiet time might consist of a bible study/devotional & time in prayer.  However, if this is sounding too formal/formulaic for you…you are in luck!  God made us all different…and what works for someone else may not be what is best for you.  The point of it all is to spend time with God.  Maybe you are a night owl.  AWESOME!  Spend time with God before you go to bed!  Maybe your only alone time is driving to & from work(all you parents out there!!!).  There are audio devotionals, books, and bibles that you can listen to as you drive.  You could also turn the radio off, and spend your drive time talking to God or quietly listening for his response!  Maybe your free time is during your lunch break.  You can have a devotional book that has one or two pages of bible based inspiration to read & think about as you eat!   In this day of technology…there are also apps for that! ha ha  You can find many apps that will help you as you purposely take time/make time to grow in God!  If Jesus took time by himself to pray…don’t you think you should be doing the same? I know I need that in my life!! 

Here is a quote from my favorite author…

If a man wants to be used of God, 

he cannot spend all his time with people. – A.W. Tozer 

Mildred K. Pearson

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Fake! Not!

Wed Oct 19 , 2022
I was manning a booth at an antiques show in Denver many years ago when a man came in, carrying a manila envelope from which he removed a photograph of a painting.  “I’ve got a Winslow Homer that I want to sell,” he informed me. I was always interested in […]
Fake!  Not!

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